September 8, 2019 in Cincinnati

9 Sep

On Sunday September 8, 2019 MouthPeace, Inc (MouthPeace) was a participant in an annual Festival of Faiths in Cintas Center, on the campus of Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio (the Festival). The Festival, a 4½ hour celebration of religious, ethnic, and artistic diversity for adults and children, was divided into two sections: a seated audience area for interfaith devotional prayers, observances and ceremonies, introductory comments by community leaders, and dance and musical performances celebrating human equality and diversity; and a larger section consisting of multi-floor areas and rows of assigned tables at which numerous participating organizations of different faiths and ethnic groups exhibited displays, materials, and handouts promoting their purposes and their work. There were at least two thousand visitors.

Attending and setting up the MouthPeace table were Arthur Levy (Art), of Brooklyn, New York, the President, and Susan Farber, the Secretary and Treasurer, of Cincinnati. At the MouthPeace table (the Table), Art and Susan spoke with numerous persons who passed by and came over to the Table and inquired of and expressed interest in the work and purposes of MouthPeace. Large numbers of MouthPeace brochures and flyers were handed out. Numerous people expressed interest in and complimented us on our work and purposes and expressed a desire to be updated on our progress. The event was most enjoyable and valuable for our organization and presented us with an important opportunity to promote MouthPeace to people in the Greater Cincinnati area.